Friday, January 08, 2010

Ching chong, nip nong nong!

Err that picture above isn't meant to offend anyone in case you were wondering about its intentions.

Well anyway if you have not been living under a rock for the past few days i'm sure you'd have heard about all the fuss over who has the rights to use THE word, 'Allah'. A few days after the court declared that the word is legal to be used by anyone of any race and religion, you wake up in the morning to find that three churches have been torched with molotovs.

Sigh, I can't seem to understand those people who seem to get self-satisfaction and a kick in their insignificant lives from executing infantile actions such as that. At least have some dignity for Allah's God's sake. Manning up to it and you'll gain my respect to say the least. But torching the place and running with your tail inbetween your legs? That just comes to show how cowardly and pathetic you really are.

Oh well, time for our dearest PM to wake up and smell the coffee if he wants his 1Malaysia vision to become a reality! (within the next 100 years)


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