Monday, January 25, 2010

Beavis and Butthead

Grandfather story of the day:

As I was driving home from college, I noticed there was this plastic-tape-thingi (those you find inside cassettes) dangling from my antenna at the back of the car while swaying back and forth against my rear windshield. And since awesome people don't drive while there's plastic-tape dangling from their cars, I stopped by a bus-stop along the highway and got out to remove it.

And just when I was about to get back in the car, this haggard looking dude literally came up from nowhere (if I was alone in the jungle at night I would've definitely shrieked my lungs out) and asked me,

"Encik ada satu ringgit tak saya tiada wang dan perlu naik bas ke Rawang sebab ada kecemasan"

It took him less than three seconds to blurt that whole sentence out and I only managed to catch the words "satu ringgit" and "bas ke rawang", because I was partly furious at that plastic-tape thingi for disrupting my journey. (Plastic makes me angry. Don't ask.)

As I was taking my own sweet time to contemplate on whether I should reach for my wallet and spare him a buck, (I was worried that if i don't he might rape me before chopping me into itsy-bitsy pieces to be cooked with his curry) I saw IT.

IT was in his right hand; a lit cigarette.

Because if this guy can afford a pack of cigarettes, I don't see why can't he purchase an inexpensive bus ticket. And if I did give him the money, i'm certain he'd use it to purchase another pack of cigarettes anyway. So I thought i'd do him a favour to curb his addiction, hence I politely declined before getting back into my car.

But as I was about to shut the door, he placed his smudgy hands on the top of my opened door and prevented me from closing it. (I could've forced it closed but that'd just be rude, right?) So being concerned of my own safety and having tolerated enough of this persistent prick, I reached for my trusty bright yellow tipped steering wheel lock that was placed at my feet with the intention of giving him a free taste. But disappointingly, he backed off as soon as I lifted it up. Too bad, I really needed to relieve some of the stress i'm accumulating from college.

After all that drama was done with, I slammed my door shut, engaged my gear to "D", released the parking brake and off I went; continuing my journey as I drove off towards the distant setting sun.


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