There are three things that I really REALLY despise in my life.
1. Cockroaches
Don't see a beneficial reason on why these pests exist in the first place. Tough enough to survive a nuclear holocaust and also irritating enough to initiate one. And to make matters worse, there are also..
2. Flying cockroaches
When your plain jane cockroaches aren't troublesome and worrying enough.
These are the cockroaches that tests your flight-or-fight response; if you can't manage to kill it instantly with a single hit, it'll start flying and therefore causing a massive shitstorm around you while you swing your newspaper frantically in the air whilst screaming gibberish like you're on ecstacy. Not very nice. And then there's the king of the crop or the best in the business if I might say..
3. Flying cockroaches that have an attraction to your face
To put it short, these cockroaches are the one that gets you shitting bricks before putting you into cardiac arrest.
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