Sunday, July 04, 2010


As much as I'd love to jam my brakes and watch my car's rear bumper go right through your windshield and straight through your face (the merrier if it were to happen in HD, can you imagine the vividness!), it'd be too much of a hassle to claim the damages done to my precious car with the insurance guys.

If you didn't already know, i'm definitely right in this situation and you're evidently at the wrong for having a fetish with my car's rear end, so don't you even think about pressing charges.

And since you'd already be well past dead, you wouldn't have to go through the hassle of claiming your insurance and going through the authorities; a departing gift from me to you!

So please, unless the last thing you wanna see before that cliché 'white light' overwhelms you is a car's rear end shattering your face into oblivion, I suggest you stop tailgating.


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